104 Appointment of Interim Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service


Since the report and the first addendum was published, Officers have already done the necessary reference and background checks of the recommended candidate which are all satisfactory. Officers would therefore like to revise the recommendations further

2. Recommendations

2.1 The following recommendations replace those in the original report in order to reflect the recommendations of the Appointments and Remuneration Panel (with the added text in bold:)

2.1.1 That Council appoints Will Tuckley as interim Chief Executive, Head of PaidService, Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer.

2.1.2 That the appointment be for a fixed term of at least 6 months or the appointment of a permanent Chief Executive, whichever is later.

2.2 That the salary for the post be set at £167,000 per annum.

2.3 That the appointment takes effect from 8th May 2nd May 2023, but in shadow form until 8th May 2023, prior to which all functions of the Chief Executive will be retained by the outgoing Chief Executive.

2.4 That the appointment be subject to satisfactory references and pre-employment checks (if not completed before meeting of full Council) and t That the Director of Human Resources & Organisational Development, after consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to take all steps necessary or incidental to implementation of the appointment, including completing pre-employment checks and any detailed terms or administrative arrangements that may be outstanding.